1) Rules :
i forgot:
"I have read the Rules for Membership Requests of OAR"
But the rules are very simple and logical.
2) Player Name:
3) Ranking:
2750: That is only because in am focosing on resourses, and crop is paying more, when looking at the cost.
4) Villages Description:
i produce 400 res pr. houer
5) Map Location:
6) Troops Description:
Non yet, romans are ekspensive, and there is to many Teutons around me.
7) Playing Game Style:
I am offensive, thats why i am roman. i'd like to cooperate with the Alliance
8 ) Current Alliance:
10) Reasons to join us:
i just saw a member of S.E.D.S1 located nearby, so i want in. i think we can help each other in the future. I can also se, that the ally are located all around, so we could easy worke together.
11) What you will bring to us:
A loyal player, whit lots of experinse.
12) Extra Info:
I come from Denmark. I just finishe playing on a danish scerver 5, in whitch i Won. We were the top ally, whit only 120 members, but we were ally were strong.
13) What battles (offensive and/or defensive) have you been involved with in the last 2 weeks :
I have been tryed farmed, and he had sesived 3 times, but elles no one is farming ore atacking med.