1.) RULES: I read and understood and approve the first 4 rules of this forum.
I have read the Rules for Membership Requests of OAR
2.) PLAYER NAME: ChaosWolf
3.) RANKING: 512
4.) VILLAGES DESCRIPTION: First Landing, 32|-5, 192, 506
5.) MAP LOCATION: 6.) TROOPS DESCRIPTION: I currently have a large army of clubswingers and small army of paladins. I had more but just lost a few when I killed a large attacking army. I currently have the ability to make a lot more clubswingers but am focusing on getting my second village.
7.) PLAYING GAME STYLE: I am an agressive player but very cooperative with an alliance. I always have my troops out raiding, very rarely do I have them sitting idle and I won't hesitate to help a fellow alliance member.
8.) CURRENT ALLIANCE: I was a member of SEDS but they disbanded.
9.) REASON TO LEAVE CURRENT ALLIANCE: They no longer exist.
10.) REASONS TO JOIN US: I want to join OAR because I wish to be part of a strong alliance, one which will make it to endgame and I can participate in helping it do so.
11.) WHAT YOU WILL BRING US: I am very active and willing to participate in wars.
12.) EXTRA INFO: I am experienced, have been and currently am part of top 10 alliances on other servers.
13.) WHAT BATTLES HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED WITH IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS: I haven't been in too many offensive battles recently because most people I attack are not given the chance to get troops. A defensive battle was when the player Nir1 sent all his swordsmen and phalanxes at me and I killed them all so he deleted.