These two sentences are mandatory for the membership to be accepted.
2) Player Name:
ROH"put the nickname that you use in game"
3) Ranking:
7865 (and progressing upwards)"put the ranking that you are in the moment of the request"
4) Villages Description:
RG (60/-225) pop 207 and growing"put the name, coordinates, population, ranking of each village"
5) Map Location: SOUTHEAST ...
Use this link to create one map with the location of your village and our alliance. Then if you are more skilled post a screen shot of that map,or just copy paste the link of he map.
6) Troops Description:
Roman ( Legos, Imps, EL's and EI's) "is not needed put the exact number of troops but let us know which kind of troops you have the ability to create in the moment of the request"
7) Playing Game Style:
As a Roman i will be playing aggressive. I have played on 3 servers until end game and understand the gains of being in and cooperating in a good alliance. Initial objective would be to grow. Pick up the 15C which is next to my village. Use that to build aggressive troops and then focus on raiding and growing. My EI hero will be always be at the the alliances disposal for all incoming attacks. I am always online as i play through my Iphone whenever not near a PC. You will never see me go green and you can kick me the first time I do. "you are an aggressive player?? a defensive player?? will you cooperate with the Alliance??.. let us know a bit how you play"
8 ) Current Alliance:
None - Was looking for an alliance which will make the game interesting until endgame."in case you are already in Alliance, let us know which one"
9) Reasons to leave the Current Alliance:
N/A"simple... which are the reasons to leave?"
10) Reasons to join us: Bigger alliance and more protection -
I am not being attacked or having any problems. Just looking for a strong alliance which i can stay with until endgame and is strong. Part of the fun in the game is the teamwork the attacks and the defenses. So am looking for an alliance in which i can participate in both. Also my experience on travian will be best utilized with an experienced alliance. "explain to us, which are the reasons that make you wish join OAR"
11) What you will bring to us: Extremely active in game. Dual account. Endgame experienced full servered player with a cunning intellect.
Good endgame experience from multiple servers. Extremely active in the game will always be blue. Corporation and support to the maximum. I believe once in an alliance you become part of the team and your individual existence comes to an end. "let us know the good things that you will bring to our alliance... active in game, active in forums.. new ideas, suggestions, ready to fight??"
12) Extra Info:
Played on 3 servers until endgame. Last server being server 8 where i was supporting the Sin Meta through Sin LOK. "give all kind of extra info that you want, just to benefit your candidature"
13) What battles (offensive and/or defensive) have you been involved with in the last 2 weeks :
i have been raiding inactive players. I use traviandope and some of the other tools. So far as these are still early days i would rather let the actives grow so that they can become better farms later . "give the name of the attacker or defender , the guild and some result[img][/img][url=