1) Rules :
Yes I have read the rules
2) Player Name:
3) Ranking:
4) Villages Description:
Rank Name Pop Location
2477 1Kristinestad 417 (182|-171)
14172 2Kaskö 104 (196|-163) (15 cropper)
5) Map Location:
6) Troops Description:
Clubswinger, Spearmen, Axeman, Scout, Paladin, Ram
7) Playing Game Style:
I try to play as aggressive as possible but I am also ready for defence, Attack:Defence troops 60:40. If the alliance leaders give me an order I follow it, very loyal and will fight for OAR.
8 ) Current Alliance:
9) Reasons to leave the Current Alliance:
It´s totally falling apart. My wing doesn´t even have a leader anymore. Need an active alliance.
10) Reasons to join us:
I was browsing thru the allianced in search of a good one and I just got stuck on this one, plus I forfilled all the recruitment demans witch was great.
11) What you will bring to us:
An active aggressive player (I´m shure everyone says that but it´s true).
12) Extra Info:
I have played on servers 1,2,5 and 10 and with all races. So sick of all the lameass alliances that never does anything. I want war, offense or defence. But diplomacy is of course ocay but boring. If my troops get trapped I usually negociate to get them free.
13) What battles (offensive and/or defensive) have you been involved with in the last 2 weeks :
My alliance is a peaceful alliance so I have just attacked about 30 random people, killing their troops (never anymore then 30 :S) and farming them.